Digestive Enzymes vs Probiotics: Do You Know The Difference?

Digestive Enzymes vs Probiotics Do You Know The Difference

There are a lot of catchphrases, technical terms, and supplement names thrown around about gut health these days—but do you know what they mean? For instance, what's the difference between probiotics and digestive enzymes? What does each of them do for you, and do you really need to be taking one or both of them? I mean, aren’t they both going to make your gut feel better?

Well, the answer is very likely yes! But it’s important to know the difference, and arm yourself with the right knowledge and products that your body really needs. To put it briefly, probiotic supplements help maintain a healthy balance of good bacteria in your gut, while digestive enzymes break down food so that nutrients can be absorbed. So which one is right for you? Let’s do a deeper dive into probiotics and digestive enzymes–the benefits they provide, the problems they help you solve, and, ultimately, which one you’re going to want to add to your regimen to start feeling your best!

Digestive Enzymes 101

Digestive enzymes are naturally occurring proteins produced by the stomach, pancreas, and small intestine. They play a critical role in the digestive process, which begins all the way back at your mouth. You know that delicious salad you had for lunch? Chewing it started the breakdown of your food as it mixed with saliva and made its way into your stomach. There, your stomach acid, combined with the star of this show—digestive enzymes, worked to efficiently break down the salad du’jour into molecules small enough to be absorbed through the walls of your small intestine and into your bloodstream for ultimate use throughout your body.

Digestive enzymes are essential for this process as they help speed up the breakdown of complex molecules into simpler ones that can be easily absorbed. Without digestive enzymes, you would not be able to properly digest your food and absorb the nutrients your body needs. You will also likely experience uncomfortable digestive problems such as bloating, gas, and occasional diarrhea. Plus, there are less obvious—but no less impactful—effects of not having the proper amount of digestive enzymes coursing through your gut, too. Not only are they hard at work improving overall digestion and nutrient absorption, promoting overall gut health (which has a big impact on immunity!) And, when your gut is working properly, you feel better—say hello to more energy and healthy weight loss!

>>Want to learn more about what digestive enzymes really do for you? Click here!<<

The trouble is, the human body slows the production of digestive enzymes around age 27, which means that most of us eventually realize that our body simply doesn’t digest certain foods (or anything!) quite like it used to. So what do you do when you recognize you’re in need of a digestive health boost?

RELATED: The Many Benefits Of Digestive Enzymes

You can absolutely improve your digestive health by eating foods that contain digestive enzymes or supplementing your food intake with a digestive enzyme supplement to receive powerful health benefits. But like most people, you’re probably wondering—do digestive enzymes really work? Well, take it from the likes of Lactaid and Bean-o, both of which are longtime digestive enzymes on the market! People who struggle with lactose intolerance or find that their bodies are having a hard time breaking down leafy greens or beans know very well the help they receive from the digestive enzyme supplements they take. But Lactaid and Bean-o aren’t the only digestive enzymes out there, and those aren’t the only reasons to take one.

For instance, Xyngular Complete Collagen is packed with protease and serrapeptase (highly effective digestive enzymes) as well as several amino acids to help break down your food and improve digestion quickly. Plus, you get all the other benefits of collagen as well!*

What About Probiotics?

Probiotics are living bacteria—the good kind!—that are naturally found in your microbiome. These powerful little microorganisms make their home in your digestive tract, and they are hard at work to create balance in the gut for better digestion, and they may help with mood support, improved gas and bloating, and may help reduce the symptoms of stress.

Sometimes our gut can get overwhelmed with too much “bad” bacteria. This can happen as a result of antibiotic use, poor diet, and even too much stress and not enough sleep. A balance of good bacteria is critical to overall well-being, and probiotics are key to restoring proper equilibrium in the gut.

While probiotics are naturally occurring in our bodies, they can also be found in the foods we eat. Fermented foods are the best source of probiotics, so adding things like yogurt, kimchi, kefir, sauerkraut, kombucha, and even sourdough bread to your diet can increase the number of good bacteria working in your digestive system. But you can also greatly benefit from adding a probiotic supplement to your health regimen.

Studies also suggest that, when taken in adequate amounts, probiotics may also help to support the immune system, support healthy digestion, and promote a healthy weight. Xyngular Complete Probiotic, created with 11 unique strains of health-promoting bacteria for gut, mood, and metabolic support, plus loaded with prebiotics for maintaining the ultimate good-bacteria environment, have customers raving about reduced cravings and increased weight loss.*

How Are Digestive Enzymes and Probiotics Different?

When it comes to digestive health, there are two key players: digestive enzymes and probiotics. Both digestive enzymes and probiotics are important for keeping the digestive system functioning properly. However, they do play different roles in the process. As discussed above, digestive enzymes are proteins that help to break down food quickly and efficiently so that the body can absorb the nutrients found in what you eat. Probiotics, on the other hand, are live bacteria that help to keep the digestive system healthy by maintaining the balance of good and bad bacteria.

It's important to know the difference between digestive enzymes and probiotics because different types of digestive distress can lead you directly to one of them as a targeted solution to a digestive problem. In many cases, it can be very helpful to enlist the help of digestive enzymes and probiotics as a more complete digestive health duo in order to maintain a healthy digestive system and avoid a potential future imbalance. For example, depending on your body, diet, and other health habits, taking digestive enzymes without probiotics could lead to indigestion, while taking probiotics without digestive enzymes could cause gas and bloating. For many, taking the two together is the answer to supporting complete gut and digestive health.

Probiotics or Digestive Enzymes: Which Should I Take?

When it comes down to it, choosing the right digestive supplement for you is a personal decision you’ll need to make based on your own body, symptoms (digestive and otherwise), and overall wellness goals.

It’s likely you could benefit from a probiotic if:

  • You have a change in stool habits, gas, or excessive bloating.
  • You experience a shift in sleeping patterns or mood instability.
  • You have a general sense of feeling sluggish or unwell.
  • You have adopted better health, diet, and sleeping habits but haven’t experienced a change for the better.

It’s likely you could benefit from digestive enzymes if:

  • You regularly experience digestive distress such as gas, bloating, or cramping.
  • You have a shift in stool habits.
  • You start seeing undigested bits of food in your stool.
  • You are feeling a new low in energy, anxious, or not like yourself.

The debate over whether probiotics or digestive enzymes are better for your gut and overall health is far from settled, but we do know that pinpointing your symptoms and treating them accordingly will produce the best results for your body. Just remember, probiotics are all about balance (think long-term regulation), while digestive enzymes break down food more quickly and can relieve bloating or gas directly after eating. Both supplements play a key role in digestion; however, which one you should take is an individual decision that comes down to what gut issues are causing problems in the first place.

Let’s be honest—we all want to eat a rounded diet without undue restrictions even if our digestive system isn’t quite what it used to be. We all want a well-balanced gut, little to no digestive discomfort, and all the nutrients our food can provide. Digestive enzymes and probiotics can help get you there, and stay there!

Tips For Taking Digestive Enzymes and Probiotics Together

If you are wondering whether digestive enzymes and probiotics can be taken together, the answer is a resounding YES! Xyngular products have been designed to work together and help you develop and regulate your best gut and overall health.

Helpful tips for taking probiotics:

  • Take on an empty stomach for most effectiveness
  • Start with a small dose and increase as needed over time
  • Look for supplements that are dairy- and gluten-free to avoid further digestive complications

Helpful tips for taking digestive enzymes (Xyngular Complete Collagen, specifically):

  • Mix in room temperature liquid
  • Find a time of the day that works for you and be consistent

Xyngular Has a Solution For You

There are many benefits to taking digestive enzymes and probiotics together, especially if you want to improve your digestive health. Xyngular Complete Collagen is a powder supplement (yes, complete with additional digestive enzymes) that improves digestion while boosting joint, skin, and muscle health, all while helping you get the most absorption of nutrients from the food you eat. Xyngular Complete Probiotic is a powerful way to get and keep your digestion on track and support healthy weight loss. Both products work in tandem to improve your health from the inside out, benefiting everything from better sleep habits to glowing skin or an increase in mental and emotional health.*

Make your microbiome (and the rest of you!) happy and healthy with Xyngular Complete Probiotic, Xyngular Complete Collagen, or a combination of the two today!

*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.

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