7 Foods To Help Your Digestion

7 Foods To Help Your Digestion

Do you ever feel like your digestive system is just a little out of whack? Maybe you've been feeling bloated or are looking for ways to improve your digestion, and you're not sure what to do about it. Maybe you are feeling a bit blue, and you really don’t know why. Well, here’s the good news: there are plenty of foods that can help get your digestion back on track! We'll explore some of the best foods to help digestion, as well as share a few tips for keeping your digestive system healthy.

How Do You Know If You Have Poor Digestion?

Let's face it: digestive problems are not a fun dinner topic or something you share in mixed company. It's a sensitive subject and one that can be difficult to pinpoint. Like the whorls of your fingertip, each gut microbiome is unique: no two are alike. And if this is true, how can you possibly tell if your digestive system is working properly? It’s a good question. But even though the individual gut microbiome is unique, fortunately the signs of a poorly operating digestive system appear to manifest themselves in similar ways.

For starters, do you frequently experience bloating, gas, or abdominal pain? What about unintentional weight gain or loss, trouble sleeping, or food intolerance? These are all common symptoms of poor digestion. Other signs include mood swings, increased stress, and fatigue. If you're experiencing any of these issues on a regular basis, it's a good idea to see a doctor or nutritionist to find out if poor digestion is the root cause. You might think you are alone in this digestive battle, but a national survey revealed that more than 72% of adults have suffered from at least one of the common symptoms listed above.

LEARN MORE: What Do Digestive Enzymes Do?

7 Foods To Help With Digestion

Although this is a sensitive topic, and you may not want to bring this up during the next family gathering, you don’t have to suffer in silence. Take a proactive approach by eating foods that will support your digestive system, and consider taking a probiotic supplement to support gut health.

It probably comes as no surprise that your diet and gut health are closely linked. But take heart, there are a number of foods that can promote the growth of beneficial bacteria. It is these microorganisms that live in your intestines that are responsible for breaking down food, making vitamins, and helping your body absorb nutrients. But before we jump right in, it’s important to understand that even as you embrace foods that help with digestion, you must also be careful to avoid foods that can destroy beneficial bacteria. These foods include, high-fat foods, refined and artificial sugars, and processed foods.

Next up? Seven foods that help improve digestion.

High Fiber Foods

There is a well-researched link between high-fiber foods and a healthy gut microbiome. Fiber helps normalize bowel movements. As odd as this sounds, it can help support healthy digestion and GI tract balance. High fiber foods also tend to be more filling, so you are more likely to eat less and feel full longer, aiding in maintaining optimal weight

High fiber foods such as apples, beans, oats, berries, beets, dark green vegetables, and bananas are some of the best foods for your digestion. When in doubt, eat the high-fiber foods in all colors of the rainbow, and your gut will thank you.


Ginger appears to speed up the movement of food through your intestines. Adding ginger to your diet reduces the likelihood that you will experience gas and bloating–all uncomfortable side effects of slow digestion.

Fermented Foods

Fermented foods like miso, yogurt, kimchi, sauerkraut, and natto (fermented soy beans) help improve digestion by encouraging the growth of healthy bacteria in your intestinal tract. These foods contain live microorganisms called probiotics that help ease or prevent bloating, constipation, and diarrhea. A healthy gut will also help improve food intolerances because the yeast and bacteria, or in other words–probiotics, help promote gut balance.

Collagen-Rich Foods

Collagen-rich foods, like bone broth and mushrooms, play a vital role in promoting healthy and balanced gut support. Without this support, you can experience bloating, gas, and general discomfort. Eating collagen-rich foods helps you maintain a strong stomach lining and digestive tract.

TRENDING: Improve Digestion + Increase Weight Loss

Whole Grains

Whole grains like quinoa, oats, and farro are made from whole wheat. Like high-fiber foods, whole grains improve digestion by providing support against gastrointestinal stress while feeding the healthy bacteria in your intestinal tract. The healthy microbes in your intestinal tract are living microorganisms that need food to survive. These microorganisms feed on the grain fibers found in whole grains, helping the beneficial bacteria stay active and strong.


Fish has long been hailed as a healthy food with multiple health benefits. It’s rich in omega-3, which may support against gastrointestinal stress. Any time you reduce gastrointestinal stress you can improve your digestion. These two things go hand in hand.

RELATED: How To Improve Digestion In 5 Days

Unsaturated Fats

Unsaturated fats like virgin olive oil are shown to help the body absorb vitamins. It also has the added benefit of containing fiber which encourages healthy and regular bowel movements, eliminating the uncomfortable symptoms of slow digestion, like bloating, or gas.

Additional Tips To Help With Your Digestion

Although digestive problems can be challenging, certain foods have been linked to easing the uncomfortable symptoms associated with a struggling digestive system. Research supports the idea that eating fermented foods increase the beneficial bacteria in your intestinal tract which improves digestion. Fiber-rich foods help move food through your system more easily and quickly. In addition to eating foods that aid digestion, consider implementing a few of these additional tips for good digestion:

  1. Drink plenty of water to flush out toxins.
  2. Avoid processed foods and instead eat whole, unprocessed foods.
  3. Chew your food thoroughly to aid quick and efficient digestion.
  4. Consider consuming some of your food in liquid form, as it is easier and quicker for the body to digest.
  5. Get more exercise–movement helps everything move along more smoothly.
  6. Take a probiotic supplement to encourage a healthy gut microbiome.

Improve Digestion With Xyngular Complete Probiotic

Adding a probiotic supplement to your health regime is a great way to improve your gut health.

Xyngular’s Complete Probiotic is specifically designed to address poor digestive health that can be hard to pinpoint.*

Xyngular products are well known for their quality ingredients, and Complete Probiotic is no exception. Containing 20 billion CFUs with 11 unique strains of gut-healthy bacteria, this probiotic is a powerhouse. In addition, Complete Probiotic includes a probiotic food blend that feeds and nourishes beneficial bacteria once it finds its way to its new home–your gut!*

Complete Probiotic’s 11 strains were specifically designed to support digestion, mood, and healthy weight loss.* In fact, two of the eleven strains have been linked to improving metabolic function: bifidobacterium breve and bifidobacterium lactis. These two strains target and help reduce bloating and cravings.*

Taking probiotics for digestion is easy–all you need is one capsule a day. We recommend taking the capsule with water, first thing in the morning on an empty stomach for best results.


Try Complete Probiotic, and let this powerhouse probiotic whip your microbiome into shape in no time at all. To order contact your local Xyngular distributor, log in to your Xyngular account, or give us a call today.

*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.

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